How to Mod PayDay 3 (Game Pass/Microsoft Store) version

There were a lot of tutorials on how to mod PayDay 3 for the Epic or Steam versions. From the commentary I saw, there were a lot of people saying that the Game Pass/Microsoft Store/UWP version could not be modded. I found a bit of a workaround to allow you to mod it just the same as all of the other versions.

Finding the PayDay Directory:

Open up a new Command Prompt as Administrator (normal user won’t work) Navigate to cd <DRIVE WHERE PD3 GamePass is Installed>:\WindowsApps in my case this was D:\WindowsApps type in dir

You should get an example that looks similar to this:

10/16/2023 08:50 AM <JUNCTION> DeepSilver.39921928C90D0_1.0.8.0_x64__hmv7qcest37me

Take note of this directory name, you will need it for later Open a new File Explorer and put in the path that you found earlier in my case it was D:\WindowsApps\DeepSilver.39921928C90D0_1.0.8.0_x64__hmv7qcest37me

Creating the Mods Folder:

You should see the Engine, PAYDAY3 folder in there Navigate to Content\Paks as you normally would for Steam/Epic versions, create the ~mods folder and insert your mods like normal

Creating the Launch Shortcut:

Next go up 2 directories, and enter the Binaries\WinGDK directory, so for me this is D:\WindowsApps\DeepSilver.39921928C90D0_1.0.8.0_x64__hmv7qcest37me\PAYDAY3\Binaries\WinGDK

Right Click and drag and drop on your desktop the PAYDAY3Client-WinGDK-Shipping.exe and create a new shortcut via Create Shortcut Here

Right click on the shortcut -> Properties, at the end of the Target: path add a space and -openfilelog

Double click the shortcut and PD3 should open, this is what mine looks like for example (the dx11 flag can be ignored, I have it for preventing crashing reasons) D:\WindowsApps\DeepSilver.39921928C90D0_1.0.8.0_x64__hmv7qcest37me\PAYDAY3\Binaries\WinGDK\PAYDAY3Client-WinGDK-Shipping.exe -dx11 -fileopenlog

Enjoy 🙂

4+ Drafts, 4 Years

I’ve been meaning to post more and more to this blog, and I had started many articles that were very in depth, covering reverse engineering, game modding, and computer security topics. Let’s just say I never finished them, and now the last relevant post is from 2016 (yikes). So here’s an update:

I’ve been hired full time as a Security Engineer working in the Virtualization Space (think KVM/linux support), and Rime is STILL in development after taking about a year and a half hiatus from Frostbite. Rime has undergone yet another rewrite, this time in .NET Core 3.1, and soon will be ported to .NET 5 when it finally releases. The UI has been scrapped all together at this point as the UI framework that we were using was causing almost 60% of the codebase in bloat/conversions to work with Frostbite data, and will be replaced with a custom WPF framework built specifically for Frostbite. Also since Venice Unleashed is releasing in December 2020, Rime has been re-focused on getting near-100% support for custom content from audio, models, maps, etc for Frostbite 2, but in a modular way that newer engine support can be re-added and have near 100% support out of the box!

Just an update, I expect more articles eventually to roll out.

Rime: Final Stages, I need your help

Hello, It’s been awhile again. In that time great progress has been made with Rime due to NoFaTe’s help once again. I currently have been struggling with a bug that I haven’t figured out how to solve yet, but I found a workaround. With that being said the workaround isn’t very good either, but I’m not graphics or UI artist I’ve been using Rime looking like the below screenshots for months and haven’t even noticed 😛Colors Continue reading “Rime: Final Stages, I need your help”

Frostbite 2 Model Mesh Data

As seen in Battlefield 3, 4. Special thanks to dainiuxx-uk for assisting me through the slow reverse engineering progress of staring at files and doing guesswork. I will update this with a proper blog post, but for now here is the application and source code. Requires .NET Framework 4.5.

Can anyone say 3d map viewer built into Rime (previously IceEditor)?

BFMeshInfo ScreenshotDownload Frostbite 2 Mesh Viewer (Alpha)

How college has been

Well this pretty much will explain what I have been doing during my down time. Drawing on everyones whiteboards that have gone to sleep or just not around. They are mostly just funny things around the internet. This is one thing that I drew just for “teh lulz” sec… Let me find it…

Happy Trolling…