I’ve been meaning to post more and more to this blog, and I had started many articles that were very in depth, covering reverse engineering, game modding, and computer security topics. Let’s just say I never finished them, and now the last relevant post is from 2016 (yikes). So here’s an update:

I’ve been hired full time as a Security Engineer working in the Virtualization Space (think KVM/linux support), and Rime is STILL in development after taking about a year and a half hiatus from Frostbite. Rime has undergone yet another rewrite, this time in .NET Core 3.1, and soon will be ported to .NET 5 when it finally releases. The UI has been scrapped all together at this point as the UI framework that we were using was causing almost 60% of the codebase in bloat/conversions to work with Frostbite data, and will be replaced with a custom WPF framework built specifically for Frostbite. Also since Venice Unleashed is releasing in December 2020, Rime has been re-focused on getting near-100% support for custom content from audio, models, maps, etc for Frostbite 2, but in a modular way that newer engine support can be re-added and have near 100% support out of the box!

Just an update, I expect more articles eventually to roll out.

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