Here’s a little side project that I didn’t have very much time to fully complete. It is a unlocked Halo 2 Beta! Currently when you sign in, just select “do not sign in” and then from there you can use System Link, Split Screen, Xbox Live (arranged game).
Just a note, the System Link is missing some code to allow xbox’s to see each other, I am slowly working on a fix for this. I spent a few weeks a few months ago working on my own xbe (Xbox Executable) patcher and patch creation system, which allowed me to build patched executable really quickly. In this time I recoded the entire main menu in assembly to “unlock” everything, I even had force loading which is disabled in this patcher due to unforeseen crashes.
Features List:
- Removal of the EULA screen
- Removal of all watermarking
- Removal of all main menu limitations (if code is still there)
- Re-linking of System Link, Xbox Live, and System Link screens.
- Controller input hook (not active)

You will need the executable matching SHA1: C42E58FA8EEDCD4F46707C2FD0D8CEFCC61A6410
This will not be redistributed.
Download (Requires .NET Framework):