Here we go again! This is pretty much an update on what I have been doing over the last few months. Long story short, “real life” sucks. There is nothing but a bunch of work and school keeping me busy. I currently don’t have internet, television, or phone in my current apartment due to it being temporary for the next few weeks. Then I’m moving into a more “permanent” residence.
VeniceFX Progress:
- All players now sync correctly (less/no jumpiness via spectating at a distance)
- All sounds work properly when in free-cam mode
- Spectator mode re-implemented
- Xbox 360 controller support should work…(untested, no controller)
- Fixed bug preventing spectating a player
- Commands can be saved in a text document in BF3’s root directory for tweaking VeniceFX colors/plugins/commands
- Fixed click breaking everything
- Removal of the need of the Alt-Tab “fix”
- Ray-casting added to “jump” to a player
- First person spectating is experimental and may not work/crash
- Updated to work with the latest release.
- v4 uses 100% engine functions (using 100% engine functions means the code base shrank a great deal)
- Spectator text is now pretty 🙂
- Soon “TM”
- Closer to completion than not
- Still being worked on
- Sorry for not more information
- Backend code base has been re-designed to be closer to official DICE
- Will probably be re-done one more time to support BC2 and BF4
- Light BF4 support added
- More ITexture/Data->Raw formats added (Now supports DXT1,2,3,5, ARGB8)
- Decompiling original map support added
- Decompiling some patch’s support added
- Delta patching experimental code first success.
- Decompiling a map broke once more
- UI re-design. (Thanks to rukqoa)
- SHADOW implementation
Any other questions or concerns, just leave a comment below.
Good work!
IceEditor can convert the .chunk texture files to .dds ?
Great, i have a question.
What IceEditor about?
I have a suggestion, please make zooming available while in “Free cam” mode in VeniceFX (As it is when you pick up a weapon with scope and type “VeniceFX.DrawFirstPerson”).
Also, when will you be releasing the new version of VeniceFX ?
There will be an update eventually.
Has the thing been fixed where you hear sound that is around your character instead of the cam?
Eh, just tried it out, and still have problems.
It has been fixed, it just hasn’t been released yet.
Hey buddy,
When will you release the IceEditor ?
As you have contributed “CTexture.cs – IceEditor’s code for creating new DDS files.” at bfeditor forum.
So without IceEditor, can any body use your CTexture.cs.
I’m really interested in this IceEditor. I hope you can answer some of these questions:
-Will we be able to just edit current maps or will be able to create maps from scratch.
-Will it be possible to change the B2K maps to resemble the BF2 ones.
Can you maybe post an image of how a map looks, rendered in the editor. I would like to see Karkand 😀
I hope you can answer my questions. Thanks!