Some patches were created to have all of the debug output that gets suppressed in the retail versions of Call of Duty to get spit out over a custom console. This is just an output that was created. The patch is also included with the debug output. You will need xorloser’s xextool and TheFallen93’s xepatcher tools to compile this patch on to a clean xex. The patches were created by kiwidog (

Here is the patch.

# ============================================================================
#   Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Debug Output Patches by kiwidog
# ============================================================================
		.globl _start
		.set DisableChecks, 0x821AF044
		.set InstallHook,	0x8227EB58
		.set Hook,			0x820C8390
		.set DbgPrint,		0x8242CCA4
# ============================================================================
#	Hook
# ============================================================================
		.long Hook-0x8000
		.long (9f - 0f) / 4
		mflr	%r23
		mr		%r3, %r4
		li		%r4, 0
8:		bl		DbgPrint-((8b-0b)+Hook)		
		mtlr	%r23
# ============================================================================
#	Disable RSA/Sha256 Checks
# ============================================================================
		.long DisableChecks-0x8000
		.long (9f - 0f) / 4
		li	%r3,	1
# ============================================================================
#	Install Hook
# ============================================================================
		.long InstallHook-0x8000
		.long (9f - 0f) / 4
		bl		Hook-InstallHook
# ============================================================================
		.long 0xffffffff
# ============================================================================

Have fun and good luck 😉

[DebugOutput] game found: Modern Warfare 2 (0x3a167a10)
[DebugOutput] Reach_Init()
[DebugOutput] IW4 MP 1.0 build xenon Sep 25 2009
[DebugOutput] begin $init
[DebugOutput] ----- Initializing Renderer ----
[DebugOutput] Getting Direct3D 9 interface...
[DebugOutput] Creating Direct3D device...

[DebugOutput] Initializing render targets...

[DebugOutput] Initializing dynamic buffers...
[DebugOutput] Initializing particle cloud buffer...
[DebugOutput] Creating Direct3D queries...

[DebugOutput] end $init 454 ms
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: error
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: gamenotify
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: boldgame
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: subtitle
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: obituary
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: logfile_only
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: console_only
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: gfx
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: sound
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: files
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: devgui
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: profile
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: ui
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: client
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: server
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: system
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: playerweap
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: ai
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: anim
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: physics
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: fx
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: leaderboards
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: parserscript
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: script
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: network
[DebugOutput] No channels added or hidden
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: error
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: error
[DebugOutput] No channels added or hidden
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: gamenotify
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: obituary
[DebugOutput] No channels added or hidden
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: boldgame
[DebugOutput] No channels added or hidden
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: subtitle
[DebugOutput] No channels added or hidden

[DebugOutput] Loading fastfile code_post_gfx_mp
[DebugOutput] Loading fastfile patch_mp
[DebugOutput] Loading patch_mp.ff from disc, not from the update drive
[DebugOutput] Loading fastfile ui_mp
[DebugOutput] Loading fastfile common_mp
[DebugOutput] execing default_mp.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing thumbstick_default.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing buttons_default.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing default_mp_gamesettings.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing language.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing default_mp.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing thumbstick_default.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing buttons_default.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing default_mp_gamesettings.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing language.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing default_mp.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing thumbstick_default.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing buttons_default.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing default_mp_gamesettings.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing language.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing default_mp.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing thumbstick_default.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing buttons_default.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing default_mp_gamesettings.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing language.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] Opening IP socket: localhost:1000
[DebugOutput] Opening IP socket: localhost:1013
[DebugOutput] Opening IP socket: localhost:1001

[DebugOutput] execing ragdoll.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] ----- Client Initialization -----
[DebugOutput] ----- Client Initialization Complete -----
[DebugOutput] ----- Client Initialization -----
[DebugOutput] ----- Client Initialization Complete -----
[DebugOutput] ----- Client Initialization -----
[DebugOutput] ----- Client Initialization Complete -----
[DebugOutput] ----- Client Initialization -----
[DebugOutput] ----- Client Initialization Complete -----
----- R_Init -----

[DebugOutput] Setting initial state...

[DebugOutput] execing default_720p.cfg from fastfile
------- sound system initialization -------

[DebugOutput] ------- sound system successfully initialized -------
[DebugOutput] GamerProfile - Updating for controller #0 without saving.

[DebugOutput] execing buttons_default.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing thumbstick_default.cfg from fastfile

[DebugOutput] GamerProfile - Updating for controller #1 without saving.

[DebugOutput] execing buttons_default.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing thumbstick_default.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] GamerProfile - Updating for controller #2 without saving.

[DebugOutput] execing buttons_default.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing thumbstick_default.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] GamerProfile - Updating for controller #3 without saving.

[DebugOutput] execing buttons_default.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing thumbstick_default.cfg from fastfile

[DebugOutput] --- Common Initialization Complete ---
[DebugOutput] Waited 540 msec for asset 'ui_mp/menus.txt' of type 'menufile'.
[DebugOutput] Huffman Took 7 Milliseconds
[DebugOutput] Calling Party_StopParty() for partyId 0
[DebugOutput] Not uploading stats: stats not fetched (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Clearing migration data
[DebugOutput] Clearing migration data
[DebugOutput] Not uploading stats: stats not fetched (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not uploading stats: stats not fetched (cont 1)
[DebugOutput] Not uploading stats: stats not fetched (cont 2)
[DebugOutput] Not uploading stats: stats not fetched (cont 3)
[DebugOutput] Calling Party_StopParty() for partyId 1
[DebugOutput] Clearing migration data
[DebugOutput] Clearing migration data
[DebugOutput] Not uploading stats: stats not fetched (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not uploading stats: stats not fetched (cont 1)
[DebugOutput] Not uploading stats: stats not fetched (cont 2)
[DebugOutput] Not uploading stats: stats not fetched (cont 3)
[DebugOutput] GamerProfile - Updating vars for controller #0.

[DebugOutput] execing buttons_default.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing thumbstick_default.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing default_systemlink.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing default_720p.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing dvar_defaults.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] Party_ClosePartyUI (1): @XBOXLIVE_MUSTLOGIN
[DebugOutput] Calling Party_StopParty() for partyId 1
[DebugOutput] Clearing migration data
[DebugOutput] Clearing migration data
[DebugOutput] Not uploading stats: stats not fetched (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not uploading stats: stats not fetched (cont 1)
[DebugOutput] Not uploading stats: stats not fetched (cont 2)
[DebugOutput] Not uploading stats: stats not fetched (cont 3)
[DebugOutput] Calling Party_StopParty() for partyId 1
[DebugOutput] Clearing migration data
[DebugOutput] Clearing migration data
[DebugOutput] Not uploading stats: stats not fetched (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not uploading stats: stats not fetched (cont 1)
[DebugOutput] Not uploading stats: stats not fetched (cont 2)
[DebugOutput] Not uploading stats: stats not fetched (cont 3)
[DebugOutput] GamerProfile - Updating vars for controller #0.

[DebugOutput] execing buttons_default.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing thumbstick_default.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing default_splitscreen.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] mapping controller 0 to localClientNum 0
[DebugOutput] Controller 0 is not signed in; clearing stats
[DebugOutput] execing mp/stats_init.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] GamerProfile - Updating vars for controller #0.

[DebugOutput] execing buttons_default.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing thumbstick_default.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 0; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 0; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Equipment specialty_null locked for class 0; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Secondary offhand none locked for class 0; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 0; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 0; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 0; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Deathstreak specialty_null locked for class 0; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 1; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 1; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Equipment specialty_null locked for class 1; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Secondary offhand none locked for class 1; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 1; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 1; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 1; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Deathstreak specialty_null locked for class 1; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 2; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 2; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Equipment specialty_null locked for class 2; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Secondary offhand none locked for class 2; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 2; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 2; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 2; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Deathstreak specialty_null locked for class 2; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 3; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 3; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Equipment specialty_null locked for class 3; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Secondary offhand none locked for class 3; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 3; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 3; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 3; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Deathstreak specialty_null locked for class 3; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 4; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 4; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Equipment specialty_null locked for class 4; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Secondary offhand none locked for class 4; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 4; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 4; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 4; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Deathstreak specialty_null locked for class 4; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 5; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 5; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Equipment specialty_null locked for class 5; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Secondary offhand none locked for class 5; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 5; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 5; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 5; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Deathstreak specialty_null locked for class 5; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 6; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 6; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Equipment specialty_null locked for class 6; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Secondary offhand none locked for class 6; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 6; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 6; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 6; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Deathstreak specialty_null locked for class 6; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 7; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 7; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Equipment specialty_null locked for class 7; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Secondary offhand none locked for class 7; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 7; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 7; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 7; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Deathstreak specialty_null locked for class 7; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 8; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 8; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Equipment specialty_null locked for class 8; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Secondary offhand none locked for class 8; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 8; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 8; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 8; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Deathstreak specialty_null locked for class 8; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 9; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 9; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Equipment specialty_null locked for class 9; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Secondary offhand none locked for class 9; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 9; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 9; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 9; resetting'
[DebugOutput] EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Deathstreak specialty_null locked for class 9; resetting'
[DebugOutput] execing buttons_default.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] execing thumbstick_default.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)

[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] Not writing stats: not signed in (cont 0)
[DebugOutput] execing dvar_defaults.cfg from fastfile
[DebugOutput] Updating partystate due to console command
[DebugOutput] Loading fastfile mp_derail_load
[DebugOutput] ^3Ignoring asset '2d' of type techset, between fastfiles code_post_gfx_mp and mp_derail_load
[DebugOutput] CL_Disconnect called for local client 0
[DebugOutput] ------ Server Initialization ------
[DebugOutput] Server: mp_derail
[DebugOutput] ----- R_Init -----
[DebugOutput] Unloaded fastfile ui_mp
[DebugOutput] Loading fastfile mp_derail
[DebugOutput] Setting party state to in-game
[DebugOutput] Waited 2511 msec for asset 'maps/mp/mp_derail.d3dbsp' of type 'col_map_mp'.
[DebugOutput] ------- Game Initialization -------
[DebugOutput] gamename: IW4
[DebugOutput] gamedate: Sep 25 2009
[DebugOutput] ^3WARNING: Couldn't open logfile: games_mp.log
[DebugOutput] Waited 117 msec for asset 'common_scripts/_destructible_types_anim_light_fluo_single.gsc' of type 'rawfile'.
[DebugOutput] -----------------------------------
[DebugOutput] -----------------------------------
[DebugOutput] Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for  (num 0 guid "Player1")
[DebugOutput] Player 'Guest 1' logged out of Xbox Live
[DebugOutput] Removing player at slot 0 (xuid is 0) for this reason:
[DebugOutput] Received packet 0 of stats data from clientNum 0
[DebugOutput] Received packet 1 of stats data from clientNum 0
[DebugOutput] Received packet 2 of stats data from clientNum 0
[DebugOutput] Received packet 3 of stats data from clientNum 0
[DebugOutput] Received packet 4 of stats data from clientNum 0
[DebugOutput] Received packet 5 of stats data from clientNum 0
[DebugOutput] Received packet 6 of stats data from clientNum 0
[DebugOutput] ^60 onfig string match, 89honfig string coverage.
[DebugOutput] Setting state to CA_LOADING in CL_DownloadsComplete
[DebugOutput] If we had per-gametype skill independent of playlist, we would be setting the game mode to gametype 'war'
[DebugOutput] Setting state to CA_LOADING in CL_InitCGame
[DebugOutput] CL_InitCGame:  0.39 seconds
[DebugOutput] Hiding channel: gamenotify
[DebugOutput] Hiding channel: obituary
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: gamenotify
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: obituary
[DebugOutput] Hiding channel: boldgame
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: boldgame
[DebugOutput] Hiding channel: subtitle
[DebugOutput] Adding channel: subtitle
[DebugOutput] No channels added or hidden
[DebugOutput] Unloaded fastfile mp_derail_load
[DebugOutput] Playing smoke grenades at time 500

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